Won't you be my friend?

Hey there!

“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” — Muhammad Ali

It’s been over 3 years since I started AI LA. It was inspired by meet up groups I attended in Silicon Valley and it became an outlet from my loneliness here in Los Angeles.

Being an entrepreneur can be very lonely and stressful.

With burnout, mental illness, and suicide on the rise across all industries — now more than ever we need to go back to the basics.


There are a lot of specialized professional groups that are local, national, and global which you can belong to and they all have their valid reasons, but you can find meaningful connections in the AI LA Community.

This should be your home where you can have real conversations no matter what you’re profession. We can all learn from each other.

Responsible AI can only be developed by involving everyone in the process.

Our name is Artificial Intelligence Los Angeles, but we are far from anything artificial.

We are human.

We meet multiple times a month on a consistent basis in the Greater Los Angeles area to discuss how AI is impacting society and a variety of industries, but we’ve never had a chance to continue the conversation after our in real life experiences.

Until now!

I am super excited to share today with you our new online community.

Accessible to all who are curious enough to ask the hard questions and engage in a real dialogue.

No matter what you do in life, you’ll never grow professionally or personally without real friends.

You never go above and beyond for anyone because you ‘had to.’ You do it because you wanted to.

You know that person for who they really are outside of the workplace and because of that, you go the extra mile.

It’s the kind of person you invite to your kid’s 1st birthday party, you go out for coffee or lunch regularly, and you text them back in a reasonable amount of time.

Culture matters and you should look beyond the day-to-day workload and embrace what it really means to live a life filled with purpose.

Life is already too short, so let’s do something meaningful together and find balance!

So today, October 10th, 2019 to coincide with World Mental Health Day we invite you to participate in our online community for free.

If you’d like to continue the conversation and join specialized working groups please register here.

We appreciate you and love you.

Thank you for being a loyal friend.

Life Summit Oct 17th 2019

We are hosting our first annual Life Summit on the Caltech campus during Connect Week to focus on how AI/ML is impacting healthcare and life sciences.

We have an amazing panel discussion in the evening you won’t want to miss!


Dr. Maribeth Raines - COO - Breakthrough Genomics

Dr. Dan Ruderman - Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine of USC

Dr. Yisong Yue - assistant professor of Computing and Mathematical Sciences at Caltech


Keri Kukral - CEO/Founder Raw Science

First 50 student tickets are free

Educating and collaborating on subjects related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) with a wide range of stakeholders in Los Angeles. #AILA #LongLA #AIforGood

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